I grew up on my family’s farm in Nebraska which I tribute to my lifelong love of the outdoors.  My early education was in a one room country schoolhouse where Fridays were dedicated to art, undoubtedly my favorite day of the week and it instilled that the world of creativity was for me.  

I was classically trained in art at George Washington University.  At the time GW was one of the few schools teaching a classical approach: studying with live models and working with materials and techniques used by the old masters was the basis of the curriculum.

After college I worked as a graphic artist and art director but my desire to paint full time never faded.  I finally had an opportunity to go to Chengdu China and study figure painting with a friend and master painter who taught at Sichuan University.  This was a turning point.

Back in the states I was introduced to plein-air painting while studying with Kevin McPherson.  With my love of the outdoors and plein-air painting I had found the perfect match.

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to study and travel with some of the top painters in the US; Scott Christensen, Daniel Gerhartz, Roger Dale Brown, Carolyn Anderson to name a few.  I will always be a student as there is still so much to learn.

My husband and I make our home in Rappahannock Virginia where any direction you look is a painting possibility, how perfect is that?

“I’m happiest outdoors with a brush in hand”