"Many Greens - Hidden Canyon, NV"
16” x 33"
Instagram name: AlexiaPaintsGreen
Alexia Scott, MFA
Beyond a very winding dirt road, we traveled in darkness to Hidden Canyon. It was difficult to find the entrance and a person. The area surrounding Great Basin National Park in Nevada is devoid of Motels. We found the ranch, checked in, and went to bed. The morning was like no other. Light snow was collecting on the canyon wall behind the very green line of Cottonwood trees. It was Spring, and in moments, as the sun rose, the event was gone but never forgotten.
“I like to dig in the dirt, plant and set the stage for a painting. I observe the weather, the light, and the change of seasons.” Alexia Scott is an American Landscape/Nature painter, naturalist, and writer. Her work is in collections in the US, London, Geneva, and Australia. She has several books available on Amazon on painting and design. She was a lecturer at Georgetown University for 10 years, teaching figure study, and Marymount for 5 years, teaching Design. Alexia writes a Blog on Painting Nature and her Art-news letter comes out seasonally. Website: www.alexiascott.com
Email: AJ@alexiapaints.com
Alexia Scott